To make your stay in Santa Cruz even more memorable during Christmas and New Year’s, we have listed a selection of restaurants in the area and their opening times during those dates. Please keep in mind that these times might change from year to year and that we do not take responsibility for the accuracy of these times. The restaurants are listed in no particular order. Please make sure to reserve a table in advance!
Remember that Banana Garden does not offer restaurant service and that we have reduced operating times to make sure that our employees can also enjoy these special dates. Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience.
RESTAURANT | 24.12.24 | 25.12.24 | 31.12.24 | 1.1.25 |
El Casino 662 533 714 | 12:00-15:30 19:00-22:30 | closed | most likely fully booked | closed |
La Placeta 922 415 273 | 10:00-16:00 | 11:00-23:00 | 10:00-16:00 | 11:00-23:00 |
La Lonja 922 416 693 | 13:00-17:00 | closed | 13:00-18:00 (reservation only) | closed |
Pizzeria Piccolo 922 417 097 | 12:00-16:00 | 12:00-16:00 19:00-23:00 | 12:00-16:00 19:00-23:00 (fixed menu) | 13:00-16:00 19:00-23:00 |
Mexicano Ajúa | 13:00-17:00 | closed | 13:00-17:00 | closed |
Pizzeria Calypso 822 298 998 | 12:00-17:00 | closed | 12:00-17:00 | closed |
Isla de Goya 922 420 389 | 12:00-18:00 | closed | 12:00-18:00 | closed |
Casa Osmunda 922 412 635 | closed | closed | 13:00-22:45 | lunch only |